Capri, Italy
Punta Carena Lighthouse

Facing the setting sun, a solitary guardian in rust red looks over the defenseless approaching Capri.

Situated at the tip of Punta Carena Bay, Il Faro has seen 150 years of travelers arriving at its feet and generations of fishers setting out daily like clockwork. It senses Anacapri at its back, the bustling town brimming with tourists just 3km away but here, the quiet is blessed relief. It remembered the start of its journey in 1867 and countless additions that followed including the fort propping it up from beneath since WWII. Leaning against the banisters one would be able to see the changing whims of the bay, transforming from steady slate gray to frothing rings of white and turquoise. Further lies the Island of Ischia, a green blip on the horizon. It recalls its title of being the brightest lighthouse in Italy, second only to the Lighthouse of Genoa.

By dusk, the Punta Carena lighthouse is a battle-worn soldier drenched in light. Its sun faded red brick brightens under the orange glare of the sun and in the fast disappearing light, takes one last look at the tireless fishermen setting out for the night. For as long as it stands, it will remain the guardian of Capri.

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Tips Before You Go
While the lighthouse itself has few activities besides sightseeing, the rocky bay alongside is a well-loved spot for scuba diving due to the depth. Alternatively, you could take a scenic stroll under the stars after you’ve had your fair share of picturesque moments with the lighthouse at sunset. There are the waves crashing on one hand and plenty of pine groves on the other for a careful blend of nature and convenience by the beach bars in summer.
80071 Anacapri NA, Italy