Valencia, Spain
Plaza de Toros de Valencia

Seen as the Colosseum of Italy, it isn’t gladiators you would find here but men testing their wit and mettle against nature’s war machine: the bull.

Poco a poco / Wikimedia Commons

Each year, the season kicks off in the month of March, in line with the festival of Las Fallas celebrated with great pomp and extravagance in the city. Stacked up one after the other are 12, sometimes 20, fights open for public viewing. For the uninitiated, the practice might sound horrifying but to the matadors, this is art and this is identity. Some might even claim that bullfighting runs in the blood of Spain, a constant vein running through the history of the country.

Plaza de Toros in Valencia especially is an important landmark in bullfighting. Designed to impress, the entire structure is 52m across with wide vaulting brick arches and stone balustrades overlooking the city. Once inside, you are dwarfed by the 24-tiered stands that can hold up to 10,500 spectators at a time. Little has changed since it was first conceptualized and built in the 19th Century, only the names of contenders and the anxious faces of the onlookers from a dozen points across the globe. This is a practice that is indelible to understanding Spain and it is only when seated within the stand, the vast arena before you, that you’ll understand its importance to the Spanish people.

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Tips Before You Go
Valencia itself may not be known for its bullfighting but in its arena, some of the most historic fights have taken place. These are chronicled in the extensive Bullfighting Museum attached. Through artefacts such as the costumes used by matadors in the past and trophies, 3 centuries of bullfighting history is rebuilt and retold. If you wish to see an actual bullfight, you need to book tickets preferably online for the seasons that take place in March, May, July and October in line with important Valencian festivals celebrated by the whole city. There’s no guarantee of securing a seat if you intend to buy it on the spot while in Valencia so planning ahead will definitely save you the disappointment.
Carrer de Xàtiva, 28, 46004 València, Valencia, Spain