Antwerp, Belgium
Plantin-Moretus House

The Plantin-Moretus House binds together the history of the Plantin-Moretus family with that of Europe into one fascinating storybook.

The Plantin-Moretus House in Antwerp is every book-lover’s dream. Once the workshop of the most successful printing press business in Europe and home of its owner’s family, the museum tells the history of Europe through the pages of a book – just not in the way you’d expect.

The main highlight of the House is the two oldest printing presses in the world. These ink-stained, worn out machines may not seem like much, but were the driving force behind one of the most important intellectual and technological developments in the Western world. Bookworms are sure to swoon at the endless rows of floor-to-ceiling bookshelves lining the Great Library, which contain priceless scrolls dating back to the 8th and 9th centuries. Not a lover of the literary arts? A picture speaks a thousand words, and the house contains numerous drawings and paintings by the legendary Baroque artist Peter Paul Reubens.

Designed to be both educational and visitor-friendly, the museum is organised into four themes – language, science, humans and society, and religion – explaining the various ways in which the Plantin-Moretus business changed the course of European history and philosophy.

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Tips Before You Go
The Plantin-Moretus House provides guided tours around the museum and even around the city, showing how the printing press impacted Europe and the family’s influence in Antwerp. It also conducts workshops teaching visitors the basics of the art of printing, and conducts demonstrations of the operation of the printing press. All these activities are ticketed, so remember to reserve a place a month in advance with Visit Antwerpen.
Vrijdagmarkt 22-23, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium