It’ll have you coming back time and time again.
The most awe-inspiring views your ever likely to see are just two furnicular railways and one cable car ride away from St. Moritz Village, from the incredible vantage point of Piz Nair. You’ll be spoilt for choice by the sheer number of peaks visible from the top of Piz Nair, from the Bernina mountain group in the South, to the Zugzpitze in the north, and if the weather permits, a glimpse of the legendary Matterhorn lying to the west. In the winter, snowboarders and skiers who can’t resist a challenge take to Piz Nair’s slopes like bees to honey. Mountain bikers can get their dose of excitement zooming down 1,200 metres along the trail that leads from Suvretta back to St. Moritz. If you’re one of us who prefer to remain firmly on our own two feet, various hiking trails with equally as praise-worthy views on offer await.
The foothills of Piz Nair were home to a colony of ibex for decades, who lived for the salt on the rocks which they could lick up all day long. In memory of the beloved ibex colony which eventually moved on to explore the rest of the alps, Rosemarie Grieder created “Guardiaun Grischin”, a lifesize ibex that sits atop St Moritz, poised majestically looking out over the edge and having the privilege to enjoy the captivating spectacle for all eternity. There’s something about the snow-capped peaks and rocky terrain that captures nature’s strength and beauty like no other, and will offer a refuge of peace for your mind to wander to for years to come.
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