Venice, Italy
Piazza San Marco (St Mark’s Square)

Beware of feathered foes!

Built in the 9th Century in front of the original St. Mark’s Basilica, the square is home to a few iconic Venetian landmarks like the Doge’s Palace and a bell tower that is easily identifiable from any part of the city. The two towering columns of San Marco and San Theodoro serve as the gateway into Venice, greeting visitors with beautifully adorned marble buildings – a place that Napoleon called “the drawing room of Europe”. With its many offices and cafes, the square is a fantastic spot to rest your weary feet and do some people-watching after a long day. But not only is St Mark’s Square bustling with people, it is also flocked with pigeons. These feathered friends have done quite a bit of damage to the precious mosaic on the buildings in the area and while there have been attempts to keep the pigeon population under control, these have proved unsuccessful. So if you are waltzing down the square with a snack in hand, remember to keep your friends close and your food closer!

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Tips Before You Go
While it might be fun to hand out food and watch the pigeons devour it, take note that the city has passed a law that bans the feeding of these birds.
Piazza San Marco, 30100 Venezia VE, Italy