Rhodes, Greece

An ancient park situated near the village of Trianta!

Phileremos, or more commonly spelt as Filerimos, is about 8km away from Rhodes City. It is an ancient park located near Trianta village which stands on the site where the Doric city of Ialyssos once bustled. When the Dorians came in 1100BC, Ialyssos became part of an alliance called the Dorian Hexapolis. Archaeologists found the necropolis of ancient Ialisos between Trianta and Filerimos.

An archaeological search in 1876 surfaced Mycenaean pottery and a Hellenistic temple of Athena Polias which proved the prosperity of the city up to when Rhodes was founded in 408 BC. Remnants of this area’s ancient history can still be seen along the way to Phileremos and on the way up the nearby road to Acropolis, you can also find foundations of the temple of Zeus and Athena!

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Rhodes, Greece