Lesbos, Greece
Petrified Forest of Lesbos

A forest of fossilised trunks with stunning basalt-like formations and marble-like mineral colours.

With a name straight out of a fantasy novel, the Petrified Forest of Lesbos has an even more surreal landscape, consisting of a fossilised forest, to go along with it. This incredible natural monument was formed when ash and lava from a volcanic explosion blanketed the entire area. Now, here lies an extensive topography of ancient tree trunks, branches, fruits, root systems, and imprints of leaves and animals, amidst living ones. Divided into four interconnected parks, the sprawling forest houses the thickest standing petrified tree that has an impressive girth of 13.7 meters. Some trunks look like proper tree trunks, while others have more in common with rocks – and you might even spot intriguing ones that look like faces. For hikers, the Petrified Forest of Lesbos will be a refreshing change of scenery from the usual assortment of greenery. With interesting formations and kaleidoscopic colours, there are photo opportunities abound. You’ve probably seen fossilised animals before, but the Petrified Forest of Lesbos is one of the four places on Earth to view fossilised plant matter still rooted in its natural habitat.

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Tips Before You Go
The hike may not be suitable for the elderly, or for those with mobility issues as it is rather hilly. What’s more, it’s a rather open area as well, with limited shade. So bring along plenty of water and sunblock!
Lesvos 811 03, Greece