Geneva, Switzerland
Patek Philippe Museum

Not just a brand, but a piece of watchmaking history.

Patek Philippe has proved itself to be such a world famous brand that there is even a museum dedicated to it. This museum revolves around the history of watchmaking, starting from around the 1500s. The brand is named after its two founders, Antoni Patek, a Polish immigrant, and Adrien Philippe. The story goes that the two men met at the French Industrial Exposition, where Philippe had won the first prize for an invention, resulting in Patek making him a partner in the company. Four floors now tell the tale, with one floor discussing the craft itself, another floor dedicated to the Patek Philippe collection from 1839 to now, another floor looking at the antique watch collection (16 – 19th centuries), and the last floor serving as an archive and library. Witness Swiss watchmaking efficiency at its finest at the Patek Philippe Museum in Geneva.

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Tips Before You Go
Opt for a guided tour to get more information on the brand and its history. Avoid visiting on Sundays and Mondays as the museum is closed.
Rue des Vieux-Grenadiers 7, 1205 Genève, Switzerland