Melbourne, Australia
Parliament of Victoria

A beautiful historical building whose roots are intertwined with the Victorian gold rush and has served as the seat for the parliaments of Victoria and Australia.

Built between 1855 and 1929, the Victorian Parliament House in Melbourne has functioned as both the seat of the Parliament of Victoria, as well as the seat of the Federal Parliament of Australia. The construction of this historic building is closely intertwined with the Victorian gold rush, as there was suddenly a pivotal need for more democracy and political debate. With the formation of the Victorian parliament in 1851, the need for a parliament house was birthed, and this thus led to the establishment of the Victorian Parliament House.

Beautiful with white columns and a stylish facade, this is a must visit for anyone interested in the colony of Victoria's rich history in Australia. With public galleries available in the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly, visitors are encouraged to visit the Parliament House when it is in session to observe law-makers at work. Even if your trip does not happen to coincide with a day when Parliament is sitting, do not fret, as public tours of the Parliament House are readily available to brief you about the rich history of this iconic landmark. Undoubtedly, the Victorian Parliament House is part of Melbourne's rich cultural heritage and is definitely is a site worth visiting.

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Tips Before You Go
Parliament is open on weekdays from 8.30 a.m to 5.30 p.m. on non-sitting days, while on sitting days, it is open till whenever Parliament ends its session. If you\'re thinking of embarking on the Parliament\'s public tours, be sure to sign-up early, as slots are only available for the first 25 visitors! Do not fret though, the public tours are held at regular intervals on any given non-sitting day.
Spring St, East Melbourne VIC 3002, Australia