Rhodes, Greece
Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes

A medieval castle situated in the city of Rhodes, Greece!

The Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes is a mouthful, thus locals often refer to the castle as the Kastello, which simply translates to ‘castle’. It is a medieval castle situated in Rhodes, Greece and remains as one out of a handful of examples of Gothic architecture within Greece.

The site the castle sits on today was once a citadel of the Knights Hospitaller that was used as a palace and fortress. In 1988, when Greece held the presidency of the European Economic Community (or the European Union as we now know it as today), the Prime Minister then held a well-known party in this palace. Several features in the interior of the palace include a large courtyard, a main hall, several mosaics which feature Thalia from Dos and Medusa as well as a sculpture of the Virgin Mary. You will be transported to Northern Europe and be immersed in the rich culture of the medieval times.

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Tips Before You Go
Head down to the castle an hour or so before closing and have the entire place to yourself. A peaceful trip at that time, you are bound to feel as if you own the majestic castle.
Ippoton, Rodos 851 00, Greece