California, United States of America
Painted Dunes

The coloured field of Lassen Volcanic National Park.

Hike to the top of Cinder Cone and be awed by the colourful tapestry of sand dunes before you, widely known as the Painted Dunes. True to its name, the field of Painted Dunes looks exactly like a beautiful oil painting - almost too beautiful to be real. The unique phenomenon of the coloured sand dunes resulted from the oxidation of volcanic ash that was released, and which came into contact with hot lava that flowed during volcanic eruptions. To climb to the peak of Cinder Cone, begin with a gentle climb on a sandy trail before it steepens and Cinder Cone comes into view. After about a mile, you will be rewarded with the first views of the Painted Dunes from the base of Cinder Cone. Continue on the challenging trail to the peak, where you will certainly be awed by breathtaking views in every direction. Here, you will experience first-hand the wonders of not just the Painted Dunes, but also Prospect Peak, Lassen Peak, Snag Lake and the Fantastic Lava Beds!

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Tips Before You Go
Hiking to the top of Cinder Cone is undoubtedly worth the amazing views! However, take note that the trail is challenging thus hiking shoes and poles are recommended.
California, USA