Santorini, Greece

Oia is a canvas masterpiece brought to life, not a flaw to be spotted in this coastal wonder.

If one were to describe Oia of Santorini in colors, they would begin with white. White for the spotless walls of the buildings and pure religious church compounds throughout the town. They would think of blue for the vibrant splashes on every door, domed roofs painted liquid sapphire and Ammoudi Bay glinting turquoise under the midday sun. Pink for the rosy cheeked smiles of locals and the soft petals of blooming bougainvillea draped across shophouse walls. Rainbows formed in the sky are caught in a net and released onto glazed clay in local pottery products by shopfronts. You might even think of drab grey and dull browns forming silhouettes in the distance, a stark juxtaposition of rugged cliffs against picture perfect scenery within town.

Yet the shade that dominates most is likely dancing lavender and Miranda orange painted across the sky from Sunset Seranade point or the Castle of Oia. It appears as if a muse is orchestrating a visual concerto in the sky. Seen against the uniform colors of the town, it creates a moment to be remembered for life.

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Tips Before You Go
In every postcard of Santorini or Oia, you would find without fail some reference to the Three Blue Domes. Finding the infamous domes on the other hand is less intuitive than one would expect. It requires much clambering and getting lost within the narrow streets of Oia, up and down flights of stairs across a town set on an incline. In the process, you would see much more of the local lifestyle but it doesn’t hurt to search up the directions as a pointer for when you’re there.
Oia 847 02, Greece