The Hague, Netherlands
Nieuwe Kerk, The Hague

What was built as a protestant church now serves as one of the top Dutch UNESCO monuments and the most sought-after event hall for organizing music, art, and dance shows or concerts.

The Nieuwe Kerk (new church) in the Hague is strategically located in the centre of the city, making it convenient for both business meetings and private communes to be held. The church is architectonic with its organ built by the then best organ builders. Previously, the presence of organs in a Protestant church was deemed unnecessary and rather a risky luxury which could inculcate sinful thoughts, but the government had a modern take and emphasised on music’s educational value. This led to the commissioning of extravagantly expensive organs and the hiring of talented organists for performing in concerts and so the new church functioned as a music auditorium for the masses.

Today this Church appeals to both art and architect lovers due to the art shows and elite exhibitions conducted here as well as the beautiful architecture. As a result of the high-profile exhibitions conducted here, this church receives thousands of visitors every year and is mentioned in the same breath as Paleis op de Dam, Rijksmuseum, or Huis ten Bosch. So be sure to visit this church.

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Tips Before You Go
Suitable for meetings and concerts with a gathering of 150-700 people. Guided tours are available in many languages, but are expensive. Enchanting organ concerts are held mostly on Christmas and New Year.
Spui 175, 2511 BM Den Haag, Netherlands