Valletta, Malta
National Museum of Archaeology, Malta

An impressive array of artefacts originating from Malta’s Neolithic period to the Phoenician Period, housed in a museum which itself stands in the royal home of the Knights of the order of St John.

The National Museum of Archaeology in Valletta, Malta is an epitome of the finest of ornate architectures, built for the Knights of the St John to reside. A host of items and artefacts are put on display such as the tools used by pre-historic people, temple models, animal representations, and astonishing figures of humans, but the real attraction for tourists lie in the Horus & Anubis pendant, the anthropomorphic sarcophagus, the Sleeping Lady, and the Venus of Malta sculpture. The bronze daggers from the Bronze Age are also popular among tourists.

You would be surprised to know that the lavish space serving as an exhibition hall in the Grand Salon was once used as a banquet and dining hall by the Knights of John! If you are not a history buff, then simply visit the museum to appreciate the impressive space which was once home to the Knights.

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Tips Before You Go
For those interested in learning about the prehistory and early history of the Maltese Island, a visit to the National Museum of Archaeology in Malta would be extremely enlightening. In order to ensure that none of the important artefacts of the museum are missed or overlooked on account of their small size, take a guided tour or simply refer to the museum catalogue.
Republic St, Valletta, Malta