Leiden, Netherlands
Museum Volkenkunde

Discover cultural treasures from all over the globe.

ErikvanB / Wikimedia Commons
Hnapel / Wikimedia Commons

Museum Volkenkunde, also known as the National Museum of Ethnology, is a museum that depicts the story of people of different cultures over the ages, ultimately weaving a tale of men. Today, the collection contains objects from Africa to Asia, but it all started with material that was obtained during the years Japan had a “closed door” policy for Westerners.

The collection includes objects of interest from various cultures, from ice bear fur trousers and American Indian headdresses to Maōri canoes! Some of the most fascinating include the Blomhoff, Fischer and Siebold collections, that serve to build your understanding of 19th century Japan with objects such as household goods and prints. While the permanent exhibitions never fail to delight, be sure to check what temporary exhibitions are on. Who knows? You could be facing a Terracotta Warrior from China or envying the jewelry made in different parts of the world.

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Tips Before You Go
The museum is open on all days except Mondays. During school holidays, however, it is open on Mondays. Children can participate in treasure hunts, and reservations can be made in advance to participate in a music and dance workshop.
Steenstraat 1, 2312 BS Leiden, Netherlands