Hobart, Australia
Museum of Old and New Art

Sex, murder, war and crime, the Museum of Old and New Art is an attempt to confront and question the strange truths of human society.

MONA - Museum of Old and New Art / https://www.facebook.com/MONAmuseum/

As the oldest city on the Australian continent after Sydney, Hobart was a harbor-side slumbering fishing town where very little happened. That was all till 2011 when a glittering mirrored box was raised by the ferry point, its red angled columns easily spotted from any other point along the harbor. Descending the dim steel staircase within the subterranean building, you would find yourself entering a twisted Disneyland for the rebellious. The first thing that slams visitors back 10 feet is the putrid stench of human waste, found to originate from the most reviled and fascinating exhibit within. ‘The Cloaca’ is the brainchild of Wim Delvoye, a whirring mechanical machine mimicking the human alimentary canal. Sparse lighting fills the museums corridors, spotlights flooding each showcase, photograph and sculpture instead. Decadent dark chocolate is molded to frighten, depicting the life-like features of an 18 year-old suicide bomber’s entrails seconds after being maimed by the explosion. The MONA was built with the intention to get under the skin of its visitors; to rankle your sensibilities and pop uncomfortable questions. The exhibits are hosted on a rotational basis in addition to some of the more permanent showcases found within. Occasionally, film specials are screened to introduce visitors to the artists behind the bizarre sets. The MONA isn’t your typical contemporary art museum but a confrontation of the convoluted reality of today.

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Tips Before You Go
To appease your possibly disturbed appetite following a trip to the museum, there is an on-site boutique brewery using the vines and fruits from the Morrilla Estate surrounding the museum. Families with children might want to skip this attraction though, as the exhibits may be disturbing for young kids. The museum runs year round but there are 2 key music events held annually here as well, the MONA FOMO (MOFO) and the DARK MOFO, the winter solstice version. Both are hallmark events of Hobart. The first is a gathering of avant-garde rock artists and performers while the second sees art installations put up at several sites around the city. So mark your calendars and prepare yourself to be revolted.
655 Main Rd, Berriedale TAS 7011, Austra