Lijiang, China
Museum of Naxi Dongba Culture

Learn about a minority group and their almost extinct culture as governments seek to eradicate a long-standing and unique cultural group.

G41rn8 / Wikimedia Commons

The Dongba culture of the minority Naxi in China is shown in great detail here. Home to a population of only 300,000 people, the museum plays host to a myriad of deeply religious and richly cultural artefacts. From paintings and appliances used on a day to day basis, to even the explanation of the many religions they ascribe to. Over 12,000 relics belonging to the Naxi group, holy books, paintings and furniture can be found here.

Interestingly, the Naxi group are the only ones who possess the sole hieroglyph system in the world, priding themselves on that fact and many other deeply rooted traditions! Make your way down to this museum and see it for yourself. Aside from being displayed in the museum, it is very widely used in the area, with the pictorial symbols a norm. A way of life that is soon to be extinct, many older Naxi locals have been patiently working hard to preserve the rich Dongba culture. A diverse, welcoming culture is what defines the Dongba culture of the Naxis. Check out the locals as they don colourful traditional costumes and perform the ancient rites. A place that seeks to educate and inspire future generations of both Naxi ancestry and others, to continue preserving important cultures.

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Heilong Tan, Lijiang, China