Budapest, Hungary
Museum of Military History

The pain of war can be deeply felt from the stories and exhibitions here, each one telling their painful story of how war took plenty from them.

Weaponry matching the era of medieval times, through to that of the many world wars, these weapons have gone through the ravages of war and survived. Make your way in and be greeted by several cannons and cannon balls gracing the front courtyard of Buda Castle, where the museum is housed. Originally an army barrack, it has now been transformed, telling the spectacular tale of war stories and experiences.

Watch as the exhibits come to life, with the many medals, flags, uniforms, that tell the complete story of the soldiers. From their own perspectives, hear as they tell you all about the tragedies of war, the times they rested and hid in trenches they dug, the many innocent people shot and the comrades lost. Check out the many swords, pikes and even medieval armour, giving you a clearer idea of what went down previously. A devastating experience that no one had to go through, war took away plenty from everyone. From the Cold War, the Battle of Budapest and to the Hungarian Revolution, photographs document the tragedies of war and the revolutions that left too many dead. A trip to an eye-opening museum, you shouldn’t miss the chance to visit it.

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Tips Before You Go
For those who would like to take photos to remember this experience, do note a separate fee must be made.
Budapest, Kapisztrán tér 2-4, 1014 Hungary