Johannesburg, South Africa
Museum Africa

The deep history of the Africans is showcased in stunning detail and richness here, one that spreads across a variety of issues.

Found in the old fruit and vegetable market of the Africans, a rich history lies here, just waiting for one who purposefully seeks any even one who wanders by to find. Absolutely brimming with the richest history of the Africans, all who seek will definitely be more than satisfied.

Enter a whole other world where the various indigenous African groups take centre stage as you learn about where these groups are now. Immerse yourself in the time where apartheid was rampant, seeing artefacts and photos that showcase a time long gone. Check out the exhibit on African music and satirical cartoons! Sure to be a point of interest for those who enjoy some light-hearted humour and wit. Look out for one of the most controversial events of history – the “Treason Trials”. A time in history where many notable African individuals such as Nelson Mandela were charged with treason. This period in time is documented by the set-up of many photos of those being charged, alongside a short biography of them. Opening the eyes of not just tourists, but also locals to the culture of the Africans, one that is often not prominently presented. Enter Museum Africa and learn more about a part of society you do not know much about.

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Tips Before You Go
Take a trip up to the top floor and discover the Bensusan Museum, an added bonus to your trip here!
121 Lilian Ngoyi St, Newtown, Johannesburg, 2033, South Africa