The Hague, Netherlands

A monument to an educational endeavour that withstood about a century’s worth of uncertainty to bring about a fusion of culture and science.

Science and culture collide in Netherlands’ Museon, as the displays carry not the usually highfalutin notions of the arts for this institution’s objective is not a place for the display of artists’ vanity, but to educate in the style of factual and historical. Exhibits are accompanied by explanations written at length such that it would be difficult to find accuracy error or omissions with them, as they offer an immense amount of insight that doesn’t depend on the subjective interpretations of its visitors, ever loyal to its commitment to educating current and future generations, such that the mistakes and the seemingly idiosyncratic fads of the past can be understood to not impede on the conquering of the unknown through the sciences. Wandering past each detailed explanation of immaculately presented artefacts, it becomes slightly more clarified why was it that the Chinese created the compass or why was it an American who invented the light bulb, as the relationship between culture and science become more stark; the products of science are always stratified, with past iterations becoming improved versions of the present, largely because of the culture in which past science was practised in, therefore products of science are often not maximized in either form or function when first produced and it is likely that the future will reveal the potential of such products even more. And with that elucidated understanding achieved, I feel that my trip to the Museon has been worth it.

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Tips Before You Go
Guided tours of the museum in English, or in their own words, guided lessons, have to be arranged with the museum in advance. Many of the exhibitions are updated during the year, so be sure to keep breast with the latest information via the museum\'s official website.
Stadhouderslaan 37, 2517 HV Den Haag, Netherlands