Naples, Italy
Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte

Within it, an Art Collection Distinctly Neapolitan.

Mentnafunangann / Wikimedia Commons
Mentnafunangann / Wikimedia Commons

Heavy. The weight of history weighs heavy within a space bounded by walls of a variety of textures and an ornate ceiling; a decadence that is consistent with the national museum former life as a residence for royalty. Though within the confines of such stately interiors of Italian styling the air can breathe thick, there is ample space born from efficient design that utilises the art to suppress the feeling of dreadful void, filling the hole with a luscious ambience that serves the population of inspired imagination. Footsteps of an adventurer hungry for culture through the halls in which artifacts preserved from a Neapolitan age long ago now occupy, echoes and once more, a new collection is added to the floors of the museum, to live forever more as part of the museum.

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Tips Before You Go
Entry on the first Sunday of every month is free. The garden surrounding the museum is open to visitors.
Via Miano, 2, 80131 Napoli NA, Italy