Buenos Aires, Argentina
Museo Evita

Learn about Argentina’s most controversial woman.

The Evita Museum, inaugurated by Evita’s grandniece fifty years after her death, hopes to separate myth from fact as it explores the life of the Argentine First Lady. Born Eva Mariá Duarte, and more fondly (well, that could be contested) Evita, the icon whose historical importance resounds today, became Argentina’s First Lady in 1946. Born into poverty, Evita moved to Buenos Aires to pursue her dreams of becoming an actress. There, she met her to-be husband and future president of Argentina.

Why do some of her most devout followers love her as they do? Evita worked tirelessly to guarantee rights for various groups, which included giving women the right to vote and providing for those in need. She was beloved by Argentina’s poor and equally loathed by the elite. Despite her untimely death at the age of thirty-three, Evita’s legacy would carry on for the decades to come. The museum hopes to pay homage to this powerful woman, and to retell her story, separated from the controversies and untruths told about her. As you walk through the beautiful museum designed by renowned architect Estanislao Pirovano, you will notice the section dedicated to depicting the military coup in 1955 that attempted to overthrow Juan, Evita’s husband. The museum is “alive”, with its exhibits hosting Evita’s clothes constantly changed, as well as those recounting her career as an actress. You haven’t truly understood Argentina until you visit this historic museum.

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Tips Before You Go
The museum is closed on Mondays. Do contact them in advance for enquiries on guided tours.
Lafinur 2988, Buenos Aires, Argentina