Buenos Aires, Argentina
Museo de la Inmigracion

Uncover the untold story of Argentina’s immigrants.

Did you know that Buenos Aires in the 19th century was a hotspot for thousands of immigrants who flooded in from Europe, Asia and Africa? It even generated an old saying that the Argentines descended from the boats. In search of a better life, the immigrants passed through the Immigration Hotel, which provided a roof over their heads and a hot meal upon arrival. Today, the Hotel has been converted into the Museum of Immigration, and commemorates the historical memory of that immigration period. You don’t have to be an immigrant to visit here anymore—just someone interested in learning more about the history of Argentina. And there’s plenty to see: photographs, films, testimonies, and other historical relics are among the exhibits here, which together paint a comprehensive picture of the lives of the immigrants in that period. You can even flip through the registration books of the immigrants who arrived, or check out the life-sized replicas of the beds where they slept. It’s a fascinating experience that shows you another side of Argentina.

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Tips Before You Go
The Museum opens quite late in the day and its hours differ during the winter months, so do check out their website before making a trip down. It is also located somewhat out of the way so do consider taking a taxi there.
Av. Antártida Argentina 1355, C1104ACA CABA, Argentina