Stryn, Norway
Mt. Skåla

If you’re willing to weather a strenuous uphill journey, then you will absolutely love Mount Skåla.

Mount Skåla is a place that is on most people’s list when they go to Norway. This gargantuan mountain is located in the village of Loen in the country’s Nordfjord region, which is blessed with magnificent mountains and valleys. A famous destination among tourists and locals alike, it goes without saying that the view from the summit is drop-dead gorgeous – you’ll have a bird’s eye view of the Jostedalsbreen National Park, with a stunning view of glaciers, fjords and mountains.

Of course, at the top of Skåla you will come across an aspect of the mountain that makes it rather peculiar and truly Norwegian. On the summit, you will come across a round tower known as Skålatårnet, one of Norway’s original hiking cabins. Built in 1891, it is a tourist attraction on its own for the hikers who manage to scale Skåla, as you wouldn’t expect someone to be a building a cabin this high up! The tower still retains its original purpose as a cabin and hikers are welcome to stay the night there or just enjoy a warm cuppa!

However, the journey to the top can only be endured by those who are physically fit and have been undergoing rigorous training prior to the hike. This is because you’ll have to climb uphill continuously from sea level to 1848 metres, for about six hours and descend for another four hours. For those less active yet determined to conquer this mountain, you might take around a solid eight hours just to get to the top. But hey, life’s no race. As long as you have the willpower, anything is possible.

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Tips Before You Go
This thrilling hike requires good boots, hiking gear, winter clothes and of course, loads of packed food.
Mt. Skåla, Stryn, Norway