Palawan, Philippines
Mount Tapyas

Where the Tagabanuas natives’ ancestors’ spirits once roamed!

The natives of Coron Island, known as the Tagabanuas, believe that the spirits of their ancestors lived on Cayangan Lake. So before they opened the lake to public, they had to perform rites in order to transfer the spirits who dwelled on it to the biggest and highest lake on the island - Cabugao Lake. It is known to be the cleanest lake in the Philippines. The lake has clear turquoise waters that simply invites you in for a swim! It surrounds the reception area and the towering limestone formations has made it a Coron trademark, but still, it adds to the adventure and beauty that lies ahead! You will have to go up about 150 steps on rough, dry reddish soil but when you reach the viewing deck area, it is certainly worth the effort. From the top, you can spend time taking in the sights and snapping photographs of the beautiful surroundings. Many people still believe that the spirits still live and watch over the lake.

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Tips Before You Go
Do bring along a sturdy pair of shoes or slippers for the climb and aqua shoes for the swim in the lake. You are certainly recommended to bring a camera in and out of the water to capture the scenery.
Mount Tapyas, Coron, Palawan, Philippines