Cianjur Regency, Indonesia
Mount Gede (Gunung Gede)

The view from the top is magnificent.

Into nature’s opulence of harmonious elements is to be first greeted by floral delights that have sprung forth from volcanic mineral rich soils to become a tropical forest where within a diversity of living variations abounds in a multitude of polychromatic and structural curiosities, some, like the trees, reach towards the sky with luscious green crowns shooting out thick brown trunks, and some are of lesser physical aptitude, like the Edelweiss flowers in the vast field, sit beneath the skies as ornaments to accentuate the sanguine, austere appearances of nature’s creations by masking it in colours for easier appreciation. As spring springs without springing springs in a method of desperate reach for the sun, water is another essential feature of this volcano that sits above active magma that flows under. The enigmatic waters of the lake radiated an uncommon, captivating blue that is illuminated by the algae that flourishes surreptitiously beneath the placid surface, and as mood changes with the seasons, the waters is window that moves from blue to green to red. And alas, as if a music movement gaining in velocity through progression, first rampant growth, then calm lakes, now for the crescendo of the composition that rushes in as an augmented thunderous roar of the crashing waters of a waterfall that is an amalgam of 3 lesser waterfalls.

Splendours will continue to assail the senses without rest, and it will be the hours lost in allure of this accumulation of nature’s resplendence thriving on volcanic danger that will ultimately be the biggest surprise- and that is to compare to the sight of the Java leopard.

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Tips Before You Go
Camping on the mountain is an option. Inclement weather and cold temperatures are to be expected; it is recommended to bring appropriate clothing. There are hot springs about 5km from the Cibodas starting line.
Mount Gede, Cipendawa, Pacet, Cianjur Regency, West Java, Indonesia