Queensland, Australia
Mossman Gorge

With the wisdom of 135 million years, Mossman Gorge has much knowledge to impart to all who seek it.

The world’s oldest continuously surviving rainforest is located not within the well-known Amazon but in the diverse region of Northern Queensland in Australia. The Mossman Gorge is found at the southern end of Daintree National Park with dramatic mountain ranges just barely visible through the cracks in the foliage.

Skipping down the path of the main river, it’s as if the branches of the trees are reaching forward and stretching out a limb towards you to bring you on a journey through their home. You learn that the bark of kerosene trees burns best. You learn to watch where you step because there are certain vines here that can cut through flesh right to the bone. To translate the whispers of the trees and animals carried on the wind are the Kuku Yalanji tribespeople who follow you as the translators of the forest. They have walked beneath these trees for the past few thousand years, backed by the culture of a hundred generations. They invite you into their sacred ceremonial grounds and humble homes but tread with care and act with respect. If you look closely and listen carefully, you might just uncover the messages scattered by the forest as a note to us.

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Tips Before You Go
One of Mossman Gorge’s highlights is how it incorporates the Kuku Yalanji into its environment. This is why the guided Ngadiku (read nar-di-gul) Dreamtime Walk tour is a must where you get to explore the rainforest through the stories narrated by the Kuku Yalanji. Along the way, you’ll have the chance to see traditional bark shelters, attend a traditional ‘smoking’ ceremony to cleans yourself of bad spirits and make bush soaps and ochre paintings as the Kuku Yalanji do. Even if you don’t take the tour, it is recommended you board a shuttle from Mossman Gorge Centre taking you deep within the forest as the path is extremely difficult to navigate and cross without prior experience. Self-guided trails from there are easily navigated, leading you to suspension bridges, outlooks and more.
Mossman Gorge QLD 4873, Australia