Brussels, Belgium
Mont des Arts

The ‘mount of the arts’, situated in Brussels, Belgium.

The Mont des Arts, more commonly known as the Kunstberg, directly translates to the ‘mount of the arts’ and is a significant historic site located in the centre of Brussels, Belgium. The area was once a densely populated neighbourhood but by the end of the 19th century, King Leopold II decided to convert the hill into an artistic centre and bought the entire neighbourhood. Once the old buildings were removed, the area turned into an ugly urban void as the project lacked funding. It was only in 1910, in the days leading up to the Expo, when the king ordered that a temporary garden be erected. The idea for the Mont des Arts was revived in the 1930s and a new square replaced the park, linking the lower income, working-class portion of Brussels to the upper echelons of it. Subsequently, other attractions like the Royal Library of Belgium and the Congress Palace were built. The gorgeous square that you see before you now, situated on the North-South axis, has certainly come a long way.

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Tips Before You Go
Take a walk from the Grand Place and enjoy the street performers along the way. More importantly, it is going to be one worthwhile stop as you get to admire the mesmerising view of the city, the spire of the City Hall and those lush plane trees.
1000 Brussels, Belgium