Devonport, Australia
Mersey Bluff Lighthouse

A thin column atop the club-like projection of Mersey Bluff from Devonport’s harbors, Mersey Bluff Lighthouse is the perfect foreground to capture the serenity of the Southern Ocean.

A spate of shipwrecks and groundings necessitated the construction of a lighthouse atop Mersey Bluff to guide ships to the busy docks of Devonport. In 1889, a spire of bricks anchored by a stone base was put up, illuminating the way ahead for ships. That very structure can still be seen standing proud atop Mersey Bluff till today. Its rocky promontory overlooks the Southern Ocean from the western end of the Mersey River and is a visible feature from across the harbor. Fresh coats of paint preserve the original rustic elements of the lighthouse, right down to the four precise stripes of red running down its seaward side. The bluffs themselves are a short walk away from sandy shores and beach towels, a string of diners and gastronomical adventures lining the path up. There’s even a small play area splashed with color and contraptions of string and steel for the children while you’re there. As you reach the bluff by pedal or foot, remember to time it with the blazing trail of the sun as it submerges into the vast ocean. The tranquil Devonport shores and rocky headlands tinted orange with the fading breath of daylight is a highlight for even the most amateur of photographers. Filled with historical charm and natural wonder, the Mersey Bluff Lighthouse is a true manifestation of the Tasmanian spirit.

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Tips Before You Go
While at the bluffs, look out for the primitive strokes marking the aboriginal engravings that can still be found on the headlands. These marks are thought to be close to 10,000 years old yet few understand the significance the bluffs held to the people of the land all those years ago. These may be a little difficult to identify, but if you look closely enough, you’ll be able to examine a piece of history that many have overlooked.
39 Bluff Access Rd, Devonport TAS 7310, Australia