Zakynthos, Greece
Marathonisi Beach

A sandy jewel crowned by the deep green of marathos and olive, Marathonisi is an ocean paradise.

With a perimeter of only a mile, Marathonisi is a small island with much to offer. Its sandy shores lead right out into the endless blue satin spread of the ocean where you can enjoy the sea breeze run teasing fingers through your hair. Reefs color the sea bed in impossible shades of reds, green and yellow as fish dart across, playing hide and seek with divers. Marathonisi has two reef beds, collectively known as Pontikonesia and is home to the elusive caretta caretta, also known as sea turtles. Spotting the endangered reptiles is a hobby for many at the island with strict rules to be followed when encountering them. Marathonisi is affectionately called Turtle Island after all and its reptilian inhabitants are well loved by everyone who visits the island.

A walk across the pebbly shores and a short swim might lead you to one of the two coves on Marathonisi, a perfect spot for divers. Unfortunately, due to the island’s protected status as a breeding site for sea turtles, the copses of olive trees and pines can only be enjoyed from afar. A gem of the ocean, Marathonisi is one place on earth where you can see the perfect meld of land and sea.

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Tips Before You Go
A largely uninhabited island, visitors to Marathonisi are advised to bring along whatever they might need for a day around the island including water, food, swimwear and any other supplies. In addition, umbrellas aren’t permitted to be set-up on the sandier of the two beaches to protect potential turtle nests that might be found hidden in the sand.
Marathonisi, Laganas, Greece