San Francisco, United States of America
Lombard Street

The crooked street of Lombard.

Often described as the “crookedest street in the world“, Lombard Street is famous for its steep, one-block section that contains a whopping eight hairpin turns! It is also one of San Francisco’s most visited landmarks, and visitors often walk or drive down the crooked street in order to fully immerse themselves in the experience. The street is also surrounded by grand mansions, as well as beautiful landscapes and flowers, which makes this place a perfect photo spot.

Remember to snap a photo at the bottom, before embarking on your climb up the steep street, or else you might just have to walk all the way down again. But if you are feeling lazy, fret not. You can always take a Powell-Hyde cable car and get off at Lombard Street at the top, then slowly make your way downhill. After seeing the “crookedest street in the world”, perhaps visitors would like to drop by its competitor at Vermont Street. It’s also located in San Fransisco, and while people may argue about which street is more crooked, why don’t you decide for yourself?

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Tips Before You Go
Keep in mind that there are no toilets nearby, so it’d be best if you answered nature’s call beforehand. Those planning to walk up the street are advised to bring along a towel and water bottle because by the time you reach the top, you’d likely be sweating buckets!
Lombard St, San Francisco, CA, USA