Vienna, Austria
Leopold Museum

A treasure trove of Austrian art.

Have you ever wanted to explore a country through its art? Trace its history as seen through the eyes of artists? Art lovers, this is your window to Austria, through the thousands of precious pieces on display here. Collected over five decades by Dr. Rudolf Leopold, the museum also contains the largest Egon Schiele Collection in the world! This includes 42 paintings of his, along with original graphics like drawings and colored sheets. The architecture of the museum is impressive in its own right, an impressive cube made of white shell limestone.

Enter and admire the 19th-century Austrian paintings, and modern works alongside them. Discover pastoral life as seen through the eyes of Albin Egger-Leinz, works by Richard Gerstl and Kokoschka. The striking painting of “Life and Death” by Klimt is another that is sure to capture your attention. If you need a memento of your visit, then head down to the Museum Shop to find some unique art books, funky jewelry and even designer items!

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Tips Before You Go
The museum is open daily from April to August, and it is open for longer hours on Thursday.
Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien, Austria