Pisa, Italy
Leaning Tower of Pisa

Italy’s famous leaning tower.

France has the Eiffel Tower, India has the Taj Mahal, and Italy has the Leaning Tower of Pisa. This iconic Romanesque-styled freestanding bell tower is renowned worldwide for its visibly slanted position. Built during the 12th century, this unintended tilt was caused by the uneven setting of the building’s foundations in the soft ground. In fact, the seven-tiered tower tilt gradually deteriorated until 2008, where engineers managed to stop the tilt from worsening for the first time ever. Built at a height of about 56 metres, the tilt was initially recorded at 5.5 degrees, but now leans at less than 4 degrees after extensive restoration works. Twin spiralling staircases bring visitors up to the bell chamber (one staircase has two more steps to compensate for the tilt), however, access is only limited to 45 people at a time, so be sure to book in advance!

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Tips Before You Go
Those who are afraid of heights may not want to climb up the tower. The higher up you climb, the more you will be able to feel the tower leaning, and that might not be suitable for those with a phobia. Do take note that you will need to purchase tickets to climb the tower, but these are sold out pretty fast every single day. If you really need to climb the tower during your visit here, then come as early as possible.
Piazza del Duomo, 56126 Pisa PI, Italy