California, United States of America
Lassen Volcanic National Park

Visit the famed Lassen Peak here.

The Lassen Volcanic National Park is one of the few areas in the world where all four types of volcanoes can be found (plug dome, shield, cinder cone and strato). It is the perfect place for visitors who want to see and learn more about volcanic activity. You can even climb the largest plug dome in the world, Lassen Peak, which last erupted in 1914. Although the volcano has settled down, it is still an active one and its volcanic activity is still being monitored. Isn’t it thrilling?

If you are looking for a less challenging climb, the Cinder Cone is your answer. This extinct volcano is much easier to climb, although it does get really steep at the end, nearer to the top. Besides volcanoes, this national park is also home to three out of the four different types of geothermal features, namely steam vents, mud pots and hot springs. This is definitely a dream destination for geological enthusiasts!

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Tips Before You Go
Bring along your towels and water bottles if you plan on climbing one of the volcanoes, because you will definitely work up a sweat once you reach the top. Also ensure that you’re wearing appropriate footwear - we wouldn’t want to sprain our ankles now would we?
Lassen Volcanic National Park, California, USA