Zürich, Switzerland
Kunsthaus Zürich

Each frame and element within the Kunsthaus Zurich is an explanation of symbolism in art.

Topped by a pyramid of glass panes with three simple bas reliefs of mythical creatures down its front, the Kunsthaus Zurich doesn’t leave much to the imagination at a glance. Yet this simple building houses one of the most important collections of traditional and modern art within Europe. Tracing the steps and crawl of art from the Middle Ages till today, it reflects the transition from artistic works intended to mirror reality to surrealist sticks and bold curves that hint at more than what meets the eye. In the museum, you’ll be witness to the legacy of the Giacomettis, both the father Giovanni and son Alberto in their respective disciplines to juxtapose the jarring shift in artistic expressions within just one generation. Known to many as the man behind ‘The Scream’, the infamous painting of a person on a bridge with hollow cheeks frozen mid-screech, Edvard Munch is given special mention here with the largest gallery of his work outside of Norway found within the Kunsthaus. Works of wood, wide cloth panels and splashes of color can be found with the telltale excessive embellishments of Dutch and Italian Baroque. It’s rather intriguing to see them set not a few meters beyond dimly lit halls staging contorted human figures and evocative sculptures particularly by Auguste Rodin, who has an entire collection dedicated in his name. The very names that begun the revolution of artistic freedom thrive within the walls of the Kunsthaus as you’re transported to surreal alternate realities filled with symbols and double meanings within each stroke.

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Tips Before You Go
The museum is constantly hosting workshops for all ages such as painting for children and discussions on specific themes for older crowds throughout the year. Some of these are carried out in English and open for drop-in visitors. As part of the new contemporary movement, you might even see artists in the midst of creating their work while the exhibit is ongoing, breaking the fourth wall as they reach out to involve you in their expression of art.
Heimplatz 1, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland