Lund, Sweden

A vivid re-enactment of Swedish everyday life.

Emilmoul / Wikimedia Commons

Sweden is famous for its open-air museums that are basically a theatrical reenactment of life in past centuries, and Kulturen is no different. It’s the second-oldest outdoor museum in Sweden, and definitely one of its largest. Spanning two whole city blocks in central Lund, Kulturen is set out like a 19th century exhibition fair, and is designed to evoke that same sense of wonder and discovery in every visitor. With different pavilions encompassing every aspect of society from art and culture to history and design, they paint an engaging story of Sweden throughout the ages. If you start at the chronological beginning of the historical story, you’ll find permanent displays that depict Lund in the Middle Ages: vintage ceramics, toys, glass and silver that were salvaged from the passage of time. Wander further along the lovely cobblestoned paths and admire every old-fashioned form of housing, from the most rudimentary hovel of birch-bark to sprawling mansions from the 17th century. Your tour will bring you all the way up to Sweden in the 1930s, ending a complete celebration of old and new traditions that’s sure to evoke your admiration.

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Tips Before You Go
In addition to the open-air section of the museum, there is also a main building that houses artifacts in a more traditional manner. Some of the houses and buildings are likewise open for visits. If you have young children, do take them to the playground with an old manual pump for some waterworks fun.
Tegnérsplatsen 6, 223 50 Lund, Sweden