Island of Kauai, United States of America
Kilauea Iki Trail

Feel the raw power of the Earth’s core as you hike across this volcanic crater.

Years and years ago, the Earth’s surface gave way and sank towards its centre, giving rise to this pit with walls so steep they’re almost vertical. Fast forward to 1959, when lava spewed 1900 feet into the air and filled the pit until it eventually drained away. The faint ring round the edge of the crater that can be seen today represents the highest point of the lava, a visible sign of the havoc that was wrecked all those years ago.

The hiking trail that navigates these spectacular islands snakes around the northern edge of the crater before weaving its way down through lush rainforest to the basin, where still-warm lava steams threateningly through vents. The cracked, barren lava floor radiates heat, a hostile environment for even the toughest of plants, creating an atmosphere that could be likened to the dystopian landscape of your favourite post-apocalyptic movie. This means that it’s probably best to choose a cloudy day for this hike, although another solution would be to pick one of the cherry red Ohi’a lehua blossoms that fight their way through the numerous cracks in the ground, since legend has it that doing so is a sure-fire way to summon the rains, which in turn gets those lava steam vents going. These hardy survivors have adapted to close their stomata against the toxic sulfur dioxide gases, making them the dream combination of brains and beauty!

Cross the street and visit the Thurston Lava Tubes, before rejoining the trail. The lava formations, vents and cairns will take you back in time to the jurassic ages, and with the Pu’u Pua’i cinder cone towering above, this hike is truly a cut above the usual tramp through the forest.

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Tips Before You Go
Try and do the trail in the counter-clockwise direction, heading away from the Thurston Lava Tube, so that you can avoid the tiring uphill climb up a steep ascent to get out of the crater, and get great views on the first part of the ridge.
Pāhoa, HI 96778, USA