Karijini, Australia
Karijini National Park

Home to many different gorges, Karijini National Park, is a great place for hiking and sightseeing.

The traditional home of the Banyjima, Kurrama and Innawonga Aboriginal people, Karijini National Park is the second largest park in Western Australia. Like many other national parks scattered over Australia, there is plenty to do at the Karijini National Park. A network of walking trails connects visitors to superb lookout points like the Oxer Lookout, where one can enjoy views of the Weano, Red, Hancock and Joffre Gorges. Additional trails lead you to several other gorges, such as the Dales Gorge, where visitors can swim beneath the stunning Fortescue Falls.

Overnighting is also possible, and you can choose to build a camp or stay in eco-friendly retreats. The flora in the park changes with the seasons, so prepare to be pleasantly surprised by the vibrant splashes of color across the land at different points of the year!

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Banjima Drive, Karijini WA 6751, Australia