Stockholm, Sweden

A nostalgic trip down memory lane for parents and the start of a new adventure for the children, Junibacken is a place of childhood dreams and exploration come alive.

Øyvind Holmstad / Wikimedia Commons

Wooden cottages with bright sunflowers peeking past flower boxes, castles fit for princesses and town squares filled with life-sized teddies and pets; walking into Junibacken would give one the impression that they had stepped right through the pages of a children’s picture book. The site is home to the works of some of the best childhood authors ever known in Sweden such as Astrid Lidgren and Barbro Lindgren. Explore the creations of Astrid and the worlds she has weaved over the years aboard the Story Train. Set to audio clips of text written by Astrid herself, kids will get to touch and talk to their friends from the pages of their books.

At the Ville Villekulla, meet the world’s strongest girl herself, as Pippi Longstocking rushes forth with her amber red pigtails flying. The train ride will bring you to the depths of shadowy caverns as you face of ferocious Katla the dragon, talons rearing before just as quickly whisking you away to safety. Barbro Lindgren’s section eggs children to create landscapes and tales of their own with plays that touch at seemingly unanswerable topics. She fearlessly explores questions of our existence and purpose as contemplated by a toddler still crawling through the world which has even the adults on the trip walking out with lingering questions and stray thoughts. Before you leave, trap an ink’s well of the Junibacken’s magic between printed pages to be brought home as you explore Sweden’s largest children’s bookstore on the grounds of Junibacken. Don’t miss the chance to relive your childhood fantasies and meet the make-believe friends by your side when you were five at the Junibacken, a delight for both young and old.

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Tips Before You Go
The island on which Junibacken is based, Djurgården is a thriving hub of museums and science parks for children. The Gröna Lund is an amusement park best known for its vertical spinning roller coaster while the first open-air museum and zoo in Sweden, the Skansen is found just a short distance away. With all these in mind, the kids won’t be bored for even a second as they amuse themselves.
Galärvarvsvägen 8, 115 21 Stockholm, Sweden