Jacksonville, United States of America
Jacksonville Zoo & Gardens

Here at Jacksonville Zoo & Gardens, interaction, education and engagement are key, giving you the opportunity to do so much more than just view the animals from afar.

With the multitude of species here at the zoo, there in turn is a multitude of programmes and events specially curated to maximise your zoo experience. Attend one of the numerous keepers talks or go Behind-the-Scenes to delve into what happens off-stage at this dedicated sanctuary. This includes an up-close and personal walking tour where you can get an insider’s look at their night-time dens, care and feeding regimens and have any of your burning questions answered about all the animals occupying the African Plains area and the Rainforest Area. Think elephants, rhinos, giraffes, zebras, cheetahs for the former and Jaguars, tropical birds, tapirs, monkeys and otters for the latter.

Head over to the Stingray Bay to be surprised by the surprisingly silky feel of these winged birds of the sea, or the Land of the Tiger, where three Malayan and two Sumatran tigers that are free to roam around an ingenious trail system such that they can be seen from almost anywhere around this 2.5 acre enclosure, ensuring that both you and the tigers are happy. The enchanting butterfly garden is occupied with everybody's favourite creepy crawlies, including the Monarchs, Zebra long wings, White Peacocks and Buckeyes, each with a uniquely exquisite wing pattern that makes them instantly recognisable.

This zoo has exceeded expectations by striving to incorporate the more passive wildlife of our planet as well, with the recently installed botanical gardens. Let the swirling colours guide along the River of Colour Pathway, and feel the natural healing qualities of the vibrant foliage and flowers soothe your soul as you venture on this pathway that connects all the attractions. Pockets of gardens each with their own distinctive characteristics are scattered around. Each standing at around 2 acres, the African Savanna Blooms Garden, South American-Range of the Jaguar Garden, the Wild Florida and Play Park, the Gardens of Trout River and the Asian Garden are all waiting to be explored by you. Come to this zoo and leave with more knowledge, more experience and even more love for the creatures we share our planet with.

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Tips Before You Go
Register for the tours at least 2 weeks in advance. Other attractions of note are the ape sanctuary, the River Valley Aviary, and the amphibian conservation centre. Children will delight in the Park Play Area, where they can scale trees and rocks just like their monkey friends, groom and pet adorable pygmy goats and enjoy yummy food from the cafe.
Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens, 370 Zoo Pkwy, Jacksonville, FL 32218, USA