Tomás Frías Province, Bolivia

Claiming the title as the “guardian mountain” in Bolivia, it’s no surprise once you have a look at it.

Being the second highest peak in Bolivia is no easy feat, as well as being known as the guardian mountain of Bolivia. Illimani has constantly dominated the landscape of La Paz, the capital of Bolivia. All year round, as you scan the horizon, you are greeted by snow-capped mountains, rain or shine.

Soaring more than 21,000 feet above sea level, this mountain is massive. The permanently snow-capped mountain is a sight to behold, looking like it just came out of a painting. Welcome for all to scale, it is however, best scaled by those with at least some experience, especially those who have done so in high altitude! With four different peaks, climbers, take your “peaks”! Scaling this mountain has its challenges, so do come prepared to do an acclimatisation climb before you start! For those who aren’t fans of climbing, that is not all that you can do at Illimani. With some spots for a night of camping, soak in the chilly weather as you are blanketed by the midnight sky, twinkling with the brightest stars. A wondrous experience in the mountains, where the guardian mountain protects us all, Illimani is breath-taking.

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Tips Before You Go
Best climbed during the months of June through August, also known as the “dry season” where the weather does not fluctuate much.
Illimani, Bolivia