Puerto Iguazu, Argentina
Iguazú Falls

If sheer size could speak, the Iguazu Falls would be screaming.

Surging currents and silver threads tunnel and bash their way through subtropical flora all in search of a single destination: the sea. From a dozen different directions, they converge upon a single rock lip carved out of lava rock before tumbling over, freefall.

This is the Iguazu Falls that is located between Misiones in Argentina and Parana in Brazil. Gargantuan, humongous, looming: the list goes on. At over 2.7km (1.5mi) wide and 80m tall at its highest, the Iguazu Falls is a spectacle. 275 cataracts and 13, 000 cubic meters of water emptied out every second. It would be hard to wrap your head around the size of the Falls itself which has clinched it the titles of being a UNESCO world heritage sites and one of the 7 new wonders of the world. The falls can be experienced from all angles. Riding aloft on the helicopter, the aerial panorama stuns visitors in their seats. Down below, jet boat tours propel you within a hair’s breath of the falls. And of course, trails cross through the cascades and around the encircling vegetation so you leave no stone unturned at Iguazu. Iguazu puts other broad waterfalls such as the Niagara and Victoria to shame. As the Guarani Indians have named it, the “Big Water” definitely holds big surprises for you.

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Tips Before You Go
With both a Brazilian and Argentinian side, visitors might be wondering what the distinction is. While the Brazilian face offers more panoramic shots, the Argentinian side lets you get up close and personal with the falls. There are 6 walking routes available, complete with rustic, wooden boardwalks. The most commonly sought are the upper and lower trails. The upper trail offers you a chance to walk along the solid lava flows while the lower grants you sights of rainbows caught in the spray.
Iguazu National Park, Ruta 101 Km 142, 3370 Puerto Iguazú, Misiónes, Argentina