Havana, Cuba
House of Jose Marti (Casa Natal De Jose Marti)

The birthplace of Cuba’s national hero.

Dating from the early 19th century, the Casa Natal de José Martí was founded as a museum at the same building where José Martí was born, and it is the oldest in Havana! With bright yellow plaster walls and a tiled roof, the building is typical of popular housing back in the day.

With the Revolution won, the house was restored entirely in 1959. Today, you can explore the seven rooms with items that were a part of Martí’s childhood, adolescence and youth. They depict the most iconic periods of his life, and documents of his deportation to Spain, as well as belongings. In fact, the collection is the largest of items belonging to José Martí that are conserved to this day. His unfortunate death in combat is also detailed in the museum. Here’s something else to look out for: the only known oil portrait of José Martí to exist. This is your chance to take away a piece of Cuba with you before you leave.

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Tips Before You Go
Do note that apart from the admission fee, visitors must pay a fee to take photos of the interior.
314 Leonor Pérez, La Habana, Cuba