Freycinet, Australia
Honeymoon Bay

With the appearance of a seashell fanning out from the Tasman Sea, Honeymoon Bay is a romantic getaway by the edge of the Australian wilderness.

Likely named after its curving pristine white beachfront, Honeymoon Bay is a quiet cove by the edge of Freycinet National Park. The eastern coast of the Park is dotted with many such beaches where time moves by at a stroll and the days seem endless. The turquoise waters of Honeymoon Bay enter through a narrow passage at the mouth of the bay strewn with granite rocks and boulders. Along the edges here, there are a few small secluded coves to be explored by those looking for a tranquil spot, although the lulling whisper of the waves will be a constant companion. For most families who visit the shores, watersports such as diving and canoeing are just some of the more popular activities. The inviting waters start off shallow too, making it perfect for amateur snorkelers. The hulking boulders at the mouth of the bay are great platforms for diving into the cool waters in the heat of summer. If you were to opt for a more sedentary afternoon, lie back on your beach towels and listen to the beating heart of the forest to your back. The heavy scent of eucalyptus often masks the taste of salt in the air from the sea. Occasionally, kangaroos hop out of their cover to observe their curious human guests while overly enthusiastic black cockatoos announce their presence with startling caws that seem to echo on forever. Don’t miss out on the sunset here as well. Just being able to share that moment with your loved ones will definitely be the pinnacle of your Honeymoon Bay experience, and might just mark the start of a new beginning.

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Tips Before You Go
Though Honeymoon Bay primarily has sandy shores, venturing further towards the ocean would lead you to rocky headlands. The coves here are perfect with natural, warm granite platforms to rest on but caution is required as the chipped pieces of rock can be rather sharp and the ground is often littered with pointed spiral shells that still house tiny critters. Wear proper footwear at all times and keep your eyes peeled for potentially dangerous spots.
Honeymoon Bay, Tasmania, Australia