Strahan, Australia
Hogarth Falls

Follow the path of the gurgling creeks and you will reach the throbbing heart of the forest, the Hogarth Falls of Tasmania.

A black, wrought iron gate marks the entrance to People’s Park which sports rather run of the mill gravel paths and well-pruned hedges. Walk further and you will come across a wooden sign with Hogarth Falls Rainforest Walk printed out. Walking down this path, urban civilization will gradually fall away till it seems as if you’ve walked onto Jurassic World. Soaring gum trees with their smooth white bark and rope like roots run on either side of the paved path. Fallen branches and dried leaves lay across the damp, humid undergrowth, becoming a stifling presence after a point. After walking some distance, the ground will jerk up rather abruptly. By now, the murmuring whispers of falling water would become evident, giving away Hogarth’s location. Stepping up natural ledges cut into the soil, you can raise yourself up to a natural rocky platform looking out at the gentle falls. Though there is a viewing deck, rust has eaten away most of the steel railings and the view of the falls is often obscured by leafy overhangs. From the common vantage point, the cascading waters resemble the flowing white beard of an oriental priest. The thin strands of water can be seen skidding off the moss-covered rugged rock projections in a misty cascade. After walking in the stale air blanketing the forested undergrowth, this faint spray of water is a welcome respite. Without a doubt, Hogarth Falls is a quick ticket away into the wilderness at the heart of an urban complex.

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Tips Before You Go
The hike takes approximately 40 minutes as indicated on the wooden signage hanging by the entrance of People’s Park. The most photographed location that the hike leads out to is the uppermost tier since the lower tiers have gentler falls that don’t impress as easily. Over here, the journey beats the destination, so don’t be disappointed if you feel that the waterfall is rather underwhelming.
Botanical Creek, Strahan TAS 7468, Australia