Leh, India
Hemis National Park

Giving local animals the protection they deserve.

Nature lovers will be delighted at the opportunity to spend a day in the Hemis National Park, located in Jammu and Kashmir in India. Spanning over 4400km2, it is one of the largest protected areas in India. Home to several endangered species of animals, such as the Snow Leopard, Tibetan Wolf, Eurasian Brown Bear, and Asiatic Ibex, they roam the area freely without fear, calling this place their home.

Fear not bird lovers, you are not forgotten – this is a great spot for some bird-watching where you can observe the likes of the Tickell’s Leaf Warbler, Tibetan Snowfinch, and Fire-fronted Serin, just to name a few. Pack a picnic and bring your loved ones for a day of animal appreciation before some of them possibly turn extinct!

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Tips Before You Go
Situated in areas with high altitudes, it is advised to come with a tour guide to prevent any unforeseen and unprepared incidents from happening. Animal-lovers should visit during the months of September up till June in hopes of more sightings of the iconic snow leopards! Meanwhile, bird watchers can look forward to the months of April till June and September till December for the highest sightings of birds.
Hemis National Park, Leh, Jammu and Kashmir 194302