Southern Region, Iceland

The sound of thundering water beating against weathered rock reaches your ears right before all 122m of Haifoss comes into view.

Thought to be the tallest waterfall in Europe at the time of discover, Haifoss, meaning ‘The Tall’, is known known as Iceland’s second highest waterfall. The Fossa river rushes past a plateau of green, carrying its load of glacial spring water to the very edge before plunging the water down the steep fall to the raging rivers below. There are no jutting ledges or rock mounds at the Haifoss to break the water’s fall so the impact of the water with the lava canyon dug out below creates an endless, reverberating crash against the gorge’s walls.

From the promontory past the road, you can see till the unknown horizons of the valley. Haifoss’s sister falls, the Granni can be seen peeking past the rocky slopes of the valley as a silver streak but the complimenting beauty of both falls can’t be captured within a frame. The walk down to the foot of the falls is tricky but along the way, you should be able to make out the steady gradient of grays and ochre painted into the rock. These shelves are a living clock detailing the 2 million years of history running deep within the grounds of the valley. For 2 million years, these waters have shaped the valley to support the abundant life, a jarring break from the untilled soil that was left behind on the roads. The Haifoss is any landscape photographer’s dream, a testament to the bounties of nature still preserved within Iceland.

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Tips Before You Go
Renting a 4x4 is the most convenient way to reach the Haifoss since the valley’s natural structure makes for a bumpy road ride all the way to the river’s edge. Taking a smaller car would stop you 7km short, but the 14 kilometers hiked back and forth will leave you with the sights of a valley throbbing with life. Alternatively, tours run on a daily basis to the waterfalls which are scattered across the valley. These should ideally be booked ahead of time.
Háifoss, Iceland