Bergen, Norway
Haakon’s Hall

The largest building in the royal palace of Bergen during medieval times, this hall inspired many others to pop up.

Very few records actually exist about this hall. For instance, no one can tell for sure when exactly it was built, and by the 19th century, no one knew its purpose either, with this grand hall being mistaken for an old church. But in reality, this hall was actually King Håkon Håkonsson's old feast hall, being a symbol of national pride. While it has survived many fires, including a particularly large one in 1944 when a Dutch ship accidentally exploded at the harbour just outside the walls of the fortress in which Haakon’s Hall can be found, the hall has been restored to much of its former grandeur. In fact, it looks almost exactly like it did back in the reign of the king the hall was named after, save for a few changes in decorations after they caught fire. Today, visitors will be greeted by the sight of a large banquet hall akin to those found in Game of Thrones, and as you walk inside and admire the ancient bricks and regal atmosphere, you will definitely feel a deep sense of longing to partake in a feast here, But alas, the banquets held here are for official state functions only, and all you can do is simply wish that you could sit in.

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Tips Before You Go
Besides official state banquets, the hall also plays host to a variety of concerts during the year. These are typically choirs and chamber music however, although the experience itself is extremely unique, due to the historical significance of this hall. Do check beforehand on details as these do not happen every week.
Bergernhus Festning, Bradbenken, 5003 Bergen, Norway