Montana, United States of America
Glacier National Park

Titled the ‘Crown of the Continent’, Glacier National Park is the pride of Montana and the much sought-after crown jewel of hikers worldwide.

The King of breath-taking trails goes to a location defined by its perfectly conical alpine peaks forming steps towards a cloud paradise beyond our reach. Rivers of icy slush curl around their slopes like a wreath, cutting away at the rock and smoothing the surface till it glints under rays of sunlight. Treading down dirt roads, one stumbles upon flat mirrors creating the illusion of being trapped in a jar. A sign reading North Fork is the only indication of any direction, signposting the location of these mesmerizing lakes. Walking further, stabilizing stick in hand, you’re hugged on all sides by the imposing slopes that guide you up and up towards the tip. Walking down the Road to the Sun, known also as the Going to the Sun Road, it seems as if you’re on a one-way trip to the land of the giants behind the cover of high altitude clouds and fog.

Quite ironically, this isn’t a peak of the Swedish Alps but found on a completely different continent. Glacier National Park is a favorite among hikers and located in Montana of the United States. Its name comes from the astounding glaciers located within and numbering 50 in total. Highland montane beauty reigns supreme here, mountain blossoms across grass plateaus crowning the ‘Crown of the Continent’ with a laurel of color.

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Tips Before You Go
Camping in Glacier National Park is the most popular activity among visitors, owing to the 13 different campgrounds and 1000 campsites within the park. Before night falls, you could try your hand at some fly fishing which is said to be some of the best around without having to ever apply for a permit. Just follow the regulations stated and have some patience to catch some dinner for yourself.
Glacier National Park, Montana, USA