A modest initiative to save these marvellous creatures.
Indonesia is the home to 6 out of the 7 species of sea turtle that roam our oceans today, a vital breeding and foraging ground where they stop at along their migration routes. Sadly, these innocent animals are facing grave danger of becoming extinct, with all the populations holding a firm place on the vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered list of threatened species. Their nesting areas are quickly being developed or destroyed due to the massively growing tourism sector, and the animals themselves are exploited for trade.
This turtle sanctuary was set up with the noble intention of providing a place of refuge for baby sea turtles, nurturing them to the age of 8 months before releasing them into the wild, in order to give them a greater chance of surviving the harsh sea environment and predators that are out to get them. The sanctuary consists of a humble assortment of 7 pools and bathtubs where baby green and loggerhead turtles splash around in the water and grow strong and healthy before their release. Marvel at the beauty of these lovable little beings, who will tug at your heartstrings, especially the thought that these wonderful specimens are faced with the prospect of being wiped off the face of the Earth. The sanctuary relies on donations to run, so drop a few dollars into the donation box to do your part to save the sea turtles.
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